We aim to offer a range of opportunities for children to take part in clubs and special events. These clubs are run by school staff or outside organisations who we work in partnership with. They are a valued part of the children’s education and help to enrich and extend their learning.
Please take a moment to read the information below concerning after school clubs.
All pupils who sign up and receive confirmation that they have been enrolled will be expected at the after school club.
If for any reason they cannot attend, the pupil must inform the adult running the club of their non-attendance and reasons why, this is for the safety of all children. We have a duty of care to make sure your children are safe throughout the school day including during after school activities.
Please note that when there are limited spaces, we will endeavour to make sure pupils get a place on one of the clubs they choose, please return letters as soon as possible.
All subscriptions for afterschool clubs must be made directly to your club provider and not Morpeth All Saints CE First School.
Any questions please contact the school office – thank you.