The Pupil Premium is being used in school to give opportunities to those pupils which may otherwise may be unavailable to them, for example access to the latest technology using iPads, mini-iPads and digital cameras etc. School is also able to offer music tuition, residential trips,school visits, clothing allowances, paid after school club participation and curriculum based support / nurture groups together with Sumdog and Phonics Play programmes etc. We would also appreciate your feedback as to the impact of any interventions for your child. It is being used on targeted interventions led by teachers and teaching assistants by providing small group work focused on overcoming gaps, improving opportunities to provide effective assessment for learning and accelerating progress using baseline data to ensure progress is made and additional provision for those gifted and talented pupils. This is developing confidence and growing self esteem in identified areas and is leading to greater motivation and aspiration across the curriculum. Many children who are disadvantaged and attract the PPG achieve well at our school. Some of our disadvantaged pupils do not qualify for free school meals and also need extra support. We are committed to equality of opportunity for all of our pupils and we use our data and professional judgement to decide how we will use the grant to achieve the best outcomes we can for all of our pupils.