Reporting to parents/carers
A review of Pupil Premium expenditure/strategy will be reviewed at the end of each academic year although the school’s funding is received on an financial year basis.
Individual reporting to parent/carer
Parent/carer consultations are held each term to discuss children’s work and progress and to share targets for future learning that have been agreed with their child. Written reports are sent to parents during the summer term containing information on subject strengths and weaknesses, individual achievements and targets for future action. This is used as the basis for discussion that term. If you have any concerns throughout the year regarding your child’s progress please do not hesitate to make an appointment to discuss this. We like to solve any potential issues early, especially if they are a source of anxiety for you or your child. Likewise, we will contact you if we feel there is something about your child causing concern. Every half term we have a celebration assembly. Each class takes it in turn to share what they have been learning in different areas of the curriculum.